“Like Santa giving gifts on Christmas, the image or Ervin
Witucki tossing candy to the crowds came to define the Munger Potato Festival.” Bay City Times (Bay City, Michigan), February 17, 2013: 1.
Ervin Witucki, born in Bay City in 1924, served the Munger Potato Festival for 28 years and
volunteered till the year he died.
He married
Mary T. Matonek in 1943 and grew their family with four kids. He also served as a medic in World War II. Erv became well known
in Merritt Township through his work with the Farm Bureau Insurance Company, as treasurer of Merritt Township, volunteer fireman
for the Merrit Township Fire Department, and member of St. Norbet Church.
Erv was instrumental in developing the festival to include carnival
attractions, nationally booked bands, demolition derby, wrestling matches, and tractor pulls. Upon retiring from chairman,
Erv was given the title Honorary Chairman. He continued to volunteer and consult the organizers until his death in February
13, 2013. Bay
City Times (Bay City, Michigan), February 17, 2013: 7.
For more information
about the Munger Potato Fest visit the Bay County Historical Society.