The Butterfield Memorial Research Library Library Hours: Appointment only: Tuesday - Friday at 10am - 12pm Public Hours: Tuesday & Wednesday
at 12-4pm
*Closed for major holidays and inclement weather.
![Library.jpg](sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/.pond/Library.jpg.w180h180.jpg) The Butterfield Memorial Research Library is a non-circulating reference and research library with topics relating primarily
Bay County history. However, we are often able to help with searches spanning the United States. We make every effort to keep the library open. It is strongly suggested
that anyone with travel or time constraints please call before their intended visit to make sure the library is staffed. Some of our holdings include: A substantial holding of
Bay City Polk Directories dating to 1866; insurance maps of Bay City of various years from 1890s to 1960; bird's-eye
view maps of Bay City from 1867, 1879 and 1891; major histories of Bay County dating back to 1875; Genealogical
materials; information on local businesses representing all aspects of commerce and industry; materials on architecture,
historic preservation and restoration of historic structures and much more.
Please note that due to many factors,
other primary resource items in our collection may not be available for research at the present time.
Do Your Own Research:
Please feel welcome to visit us during our open hours. Jamie Kramer, Research Library Manager, will assist
you with your efforts at no cost for research time. Photocopies of some items are available for a fee. Submit a Written Research Request: If you are
unable to visit the Butterfield Memorial Research Library, Jamie Kramer, will be happy to perform research for you upon
request. Research requests can be submitted two ways: - Online: Email our Research
Library Manager:
- By mail: "Attention: Jamie Kramer, Butterfield
Memorial Research Library, Bay County Historical Society, 321 Washington Avenue, Bay City, MI 48708"
Once we
have received your request we will perform the research to the best of our abilities. In your email or letter please include
your research question and any known information that may be relevant. This could possibly include: - Your
- The address of the home you are searching
- Ancestor’s name
- Birthdates and place
- Ancestor’s
spouse’s name (maiden name)
- Parent’s names
- Death dates and place
- Residence of ancestor
- List
any previous sources you have used (if applicable)
- Any additional relevant information
indicate in your letter or email the maximum amount you would wish to spend on this research. Some larger requests
may require a deposit before we can start. Please do not send payments before you are billed unless you are asked
to place a deposit. A response to your research will depend on the volume of requests and the detail you include in
your initial letter. Requests will be completed within 3 to 4 weeks in the order in which they are received.
Research Fees:
Per Hour: $20.00 Letter-sized
photocopy: $0.25 each Postage: Any additional postage **You will be charged
the research fee whether or not we are able to find the information you request. This will help cover our time.
Please send your remittance (made payable to the “Bay County Historical Society”) to: Bay
County Historical Society Attn: Jamie Kramer, Butterfield Memorial Research Library 321 Washington Avenue,
Bay City, MI 48708